Lodeh. Sayur lodeh is Indonesian vegetable stew in coconut milk. Like its cousin, sayur asem, sayur lodeh It is true you can use an assorted mixture of vegetables to prepare sayur lodeh, but here is a list of the. Lodeh is Indonesian food, vegetables and coconut milk soup.
Sayur Lodeh is delicious and healthy. If you need a nice substitute for meat, you can try this menu because it tastes a little bit greasy and sweet 🙂. Resep sayur lodeh lengkap dengan bumbu spesial masakan sayur lodeh menjadi menu masakan khas indonesia. You can have Lodeh using 18 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.
Ingredients of Lodeh
- You need 2 buah of labu siam.
- It's 1 ikat of kacang panjang.
- It's 1/2 kg of terong.
- You need 1 ikat of daun melinjo.
- It's Sedikit of sledri.
- Prepare of Lombok disisir atau diiris serong.
- You need sesuai selera of Lombok merah.
- It's of Lombok rawit bila suka pedas.
- It's 7 buah of Lombok hijau.
- Prepare 1 ruas jari of lengkuas.
- It's 3 lembar of daun salam.
- Prepare of Bumbu yg dihaluskan :.
- You need 5 siung of bamer.
- You need 5 siung of baput.
- You need 5 butir of kemiri (sy skip krn pas kehabisan).
- You need of Tempe bosok (kl tdk suka boleh ganti ebi).
- It's of Santan dari 1 butir kelapa.
- It's of Kaldu bubuk.
Yuk belajar lagi cara membuat bumbu lodeh kluwih, terong campur tempe. Sayur Lodeh is vegetable coconut stew in Malay. However, the sayur lodeh is more flavoursome with rich ingredients such as fresh turmeric, lemongrass and galangal. Find and follow posts tagged lodeh on Tumblr. lodeh nangka muda. masakan sederhana yang saya sukai waktu kecil sampai sekarang Sayur Lodeh.
Lodeh instructions
- Kupas labu siam & potong dadu. Potong2 kacang panjang. Potong2 terong. Kl sy pakai terong ungu gak dikupas hanya dcuci bersih & potong2. Tp kl pakai terong hijau dikupas dl.
- Siapkan bumbu2nya. Lombok disisir & uleg bumbu2 yg dihaluskan (bamer, baput, tempe bosok, kemiri).
- Peras santan di panci kemudian masak di atas kompor. Sebelum mendidih masukkan sayuran & bumbu2 semuanya. Tambahkan garam & kaldu bubuk. Cek rasa.
- Masak terus smp mendidih. Jaga supaya santan tidak pecah. Kalau sayuran sudah matang matikan kompor.
Originally a Malay dish, this curry vegetable stew is now enjoyed by the different races of Singapore. A popular Indonesian and Malaysian side dish made with a variety of vegetables simmered in a milk coconut milk curry. You can substitute other vegetables if you like. Just add the sturdier, longer-cooking vegetables first and the more delicate vegetables in the second simmering. Kami tampilkan resep sayur lodeh tewel, lodeh labu siam (manisa), lodeh rebung, dan resep sayur lodeh komplet ala Jawa Timur.
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