Telor Ceplok Kecap Pontianak . You can cook Telor Ceplok Kecap Pontianak using 10 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of Telor Ceplok Kecap Pontianak It's 2 butir of telur uk.besar. It's 1 siung of bawang putih. Prepare 1/2 sdm of kecap asin. Prepare 1/2 sdm of kecap manis. You need 1/2 sdt of saus tiram (boleh skip ya). You need sedikit of garam. It's sedikit of lada. It's irisan of daun bawang secukupnya. You need 1 sdm of air matang. You need 3-4 sdm of minyak goreng. Telor Ceplok Kecap Pontianak instructions Campur bahan kecap : kecap asin, bawang putih cincang, kecap manis, saus tiram, garam, lada dan air matang. Panaskan minyak goreng, kemudian tumis daun bawang sd agak kering. Masukkan telur, siram-siram kuning telur agar agak matang. Setelah kuning telur sudah seteng...